The run fast, thump tourists, survive London run.

Things are mental at work. I’m not enjoying things one bit at present and each day there is more pressure and my head is spinning.

Planning a run in the middle seems mental but I wanted the release in my day and wanted to ensure I enjoy an evening with Richard as he will be home when I get in.

I had a massive headache and was contemplating not running but I am so glad I did.

I got out at lunch and headed towards Westminster.


I encountered the first group of tourists and crowds at Westminster Bridge and ended up with the other runners on the kerb or the cycle lane.

Things got very congested on the other side and I was struggling to keep any pace. I don’t understand why tourists pay so much money for attractions such as the London Dungeon. The queue was ridiculous – there’s so much more to London! Anyway…

I was supposed to run a 45 minute conversation pace.  At this stage 45 minutes at any pace looked like a challenge.

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I had to literally fight my way through the crowd and it was by the Millennium Eye that I had my first casualty. Tourists it would seem do not look where they are going and a woman came out of the queue and instead of looking ahead she was looking behind. I dodged her but caught her elbow with my water bottle.

The crowds persisted all along the South Bank but I managed a decent pace and decided to keep going.

I aimed to run 5k then increased this to 6k and so on…

At Southwark a young girl with an oversized handbag was an unexpected obstacle and during my attempt to miss her she stuck her arm out and I caught her bag. She called me a tit. I simply made some comment about using the handles as they were intended and carried on running.

There were many near misses today as London is now at the height of the tourist season. It’s very different from dodging fields full of cows and rabbits when running in Colchester.

I decided to continue to London Bridge and stupidly thought it’d be an idea to run up the stairs. They are very steep and I was knackered when I reached the top. At this point I stopped the timer and walked across the bridge. I had a well deserved drink too.

Once on the other side of the bridge I felt fine but was tired of the crowds. I decided this wasn’t going to stop me though and started the timer again.

I then ran back onto the bank of the river and headed back towards to office and Blackfriars Bridge.

I made it back in 45 minutes before stopping on the bridge to so some stretches.

Regardless of the crowds and the sporadic approach to the run, it all came out well.

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Nike reports 6.96 km and Garmin recorded 6.65 km. Not too shabby as I was under several bridges and in quite a few walkways so both devices did well to track my route effectively.

With the walk across London Bridge in the middle I probably tipped over 7k which I think is very good going considering I felt like death before I started.

Screen Shot 2013-08-13 at 18.32.14I had a very welcome shower at the work gym and ensured I refuelled with lunch and juice.

Apart from the odd post run ache I felt much better this afternoon and was very grateful I went for the run.

I want to run some more of London and aim to ask Paul for his companionship on future runs. It’s just a nightmare to schedule anything at present as my work calendar is subject to change without warning.

At least the running, my baby, Brandy and my friends help to keep me sane in amongst all this chaos.

I’m looking forward to an evening curled up on the sofa with my baby and miss Brandy.


  1. Well done on the run Keith! I find trying to fit in a run during the day helps with the stresses of work. My lunchtime route is similar to yours as I work on the embankment. Its crazy season at the moment in London, but I have found that going out at around 2pm is a bit easier.


    1. I actually got out at around 11 last week which was much easier. I just need to tailor my routes to avoid as much of the crowds as I can.

      Thanks for the comment and good luck with your runs. Who know we may bump into one another en route!


Thanks for your comment!

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