OnePlus 5

In June 2017 I won the OnePlus 5 mobile photography competition and became an official photographer and reviewer for the OnePlus 5 smartphone.

Upon receiving the OnePlus 5 I was tasked with showcasing the photographic abilities of the smartphone by capturing portraits, using the built-in zoom, tackling low light situations and being creative!

Take a look at my photographs that OnePlus have used in their advertising campaign for the OnePlus 5.

I have also shared my views about the highs and lows of having my photography featured by a tech company on social media.

Check out this tweet from OnePlus featuring a zoom image I took with the OnePlus 5.

You can also read the OnePlus Lab web page featuring one of my photographs and an interview with me.

Below is a selection of the photographs shot with the OnePlus 5.

Portland Bill
Wells sunset
Camera Legend

The place where the cameras are the legends.




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