Let me get this straight. I finished. And I believe I had a great run. I had a wobbly start with my breathing/congestion but I found my stride quickly and enjoyed this mornings run.

*The Nike+ Running app on my iPhone did not have such a successful run though and crashed mid way through my run. I was determined to crack 5K today but by the time I noticed the app had crashed it was too late to keep an accurate account of my distance.

As you can see from the heat map there is a huge section in red which was not recorded (the straight line) and it is because of this I kept going this morning. When I realised (who has chance to check their app every 10 seconds!) the app crashed it had recorded 3.19K and I know I had gone much further. I decided to restart the app and continue until it recorded 5K but I know I ran closer to 6K this morning.

The app crashing does not sound like much but it ends up knocking you out of your stride, annoying me mid run and questioning why I bother using it. This has only happened to me since the last app update and it's bloody annoying. Sort it out Nike!

It was nice to get out early especially as the forecast is for 30 degree heat today. It was lovely and quiet around the park this morning and I had squirrels, birds and the odd dog walker to accompany my run. I can be confident and happy that I have completed a decent run this morning and that's my running done for this weekend.

Warwick, Angela, Romilla, Cuelin, Wai and Vicky thanks for all the encouragement this morning. Good to see so many of you up and about so early. Angela I think I have explained the rationale of my early start above, Vicky get your ass out of bed it's a lovely day!


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